Monday, September 17, 2012


Neurotransmitters are chemicals that a neuron releases and allow the transmition of signals to another neuron across synapses. There are many neurotransmitters, but here we will mention just some of those.

Acetylcholine it is a chemical similar to an amino acid, it was the first one discovered in 1921 by Otto Loewi, who won a Nobel Prize for his work.Acetylcholine is responsible for the stimulation of muscles. there are some poison in plants that cause paralysis by blocking the acetylcholine receptor sites of muscles cells.

Norepinephrine is associated with bringing the nervous system in high alert, increased the heart rate and blood pressure. With stress our levels of adrenaline goes down, while exercise increase it. Some amphetamines like speed, cause the release of norepinephrine, as well as dopamine and seratonin.

Purines are chemicals that include adenosine and its derivatives.

Nitric oxid is a gas released by small local neurons, which in large quantities can be poisonous. Although it is difficult to make in laboratories, many neurons have the enzyme to make it efficiently, and they can released nitric oxide when are stimulated.

Here is a small video aboout neurotransmitters that I found to be very easy to understand their functions.


  1. the video is great, it help me understand more about neurotransmitters. who they activate, what they release and what are the functions of those chemicals that have been release.

  2. I really enjoyed that you talked specifically about neurotransmitters, you didn't just chose one. The video was very helpful in understanding what exactly neurotransmitters do and how they work. I liked how it talked about the whole "fight or flight" concept because our body really relies on that.
