Monday, October 15, 2012


Synesthesia is a condition that people have in which stimulation of one sense is experienced by the perception of another sense. What I mean by combination of senses is that you can smelled something and see colors, or hear a  noise and taste something, or hear music and seen colors. A little confusing? it is actually fairly simple.  Now, the perception of a person with synesthesia not always perceive a direct trading of two senses. They can also associate colors with letters or numbers, for example saying that the  number 7 is green or that the letter Y is yellow. Words will have a unique color based on the component letters. Is not only associating a letter or a number with a color, but they can actually see the color in a letter or even when they thing of letters and numbers.
Synesthesia can be describe as a condition and not as a handicap or a disability, it is just a different way of processing sensory information. A person with this condition will probably feel strange at the beginning when trying to describe the colors of their alphabet or things they taste when listening to music, but they will feel better and will embrace it with time.
There are some videos of people with synesthesia that tried to explain their condition, that I found very informative and that will help you understand the concept better. Well, at least videos always help me understand a concept better than reading about it. I hope it helps...


  1. when i read it on the book i was like that is weird, i mean seen a number and seeing it in a different color, the only thing that i know that is possible is that when people hear the noise when some one is cooking, i believe that they can actually taste that food or hearing music with your eyes closed and you will see the colors that the music express. but it will be quite fascinating finding someone with this ability

  2. I enjoyed reading your blog post because it was something I thought about writing my blog about. I honestly don't know how people can relate a letter or number to a color, it just doesn't make sense to me. I'm glad you said it can be described as a condition because a lot of people go straight to people dealing with things differently than others as a disability. The video really helped me understand more of what synesthesia. It's crazy that 4% of our population has it. It may not seem like a lot to some people but if you take that with how many people our in our population, its actually quite a few people.
